the reasoning: quartz == igneous == ignite == fire == blazingly fast™
A white paper is an authoritative report or guide that often addresses issues and how to solve them. White papers are used to educate readers and help people make decisions.
- Wikipedia, 00:50, 16 November 2009 (yes i checked the logs)
(callouts to be fixed later(lol))
Blaze is a Markdown parser / static site generator written in Rust that creates a static site, to be used however you like! (hopefully nothing illegal).
Blaze $\implies$ The project for which this whitepaper refers to, a Markdown parser written in Rust to make websites "blazingly fast".
User $\implies$ The individual who uses the source code for Blaze
This project was made by Ed, with massive help he wrote literally 99.99999% of the rust code from Ossac.
Tag is a "collaborator", but he hasn't done anything. :/
Blaze's links graph(to be added) is heavily inspired by the Jzhao's work on Quartz, which runs on Hugo.
I made Blaze because I wanted to essentially make my own version of Quartz, initially intended to be written in Jekyll, but thanks to Ossac it is instead made from Rust.
The idea for sidenotes (to be added) is inspired from Dave Liepmann's work on Tufte-CSS, which itself stems from the "distinctive style" of the "revolutionary retina of our time", Edward Tufte.
Blaze is built under the following principles:
Able to use or not use things like Mathjax directly from blazeconfig.toml
Spruce up Backlinks
Multi-device layouts
Graph full screen mode(like how Quartz does it, looks very hot 👍)
x min read on top (literally stolen from Quartz)
Uhh this is a weird topic, which is why I put it in miscellaneous. So, Github has a sponsoring thing, for example you can sponsor Jacky Zhao, creator of Quartz, or Aiden Bai, creator of Million.js(awesome). Now. And I really want to emphasis this.
You do not need to donate anything! For the foreseeable future, all code I work on as a hobby will be free and open source.
In fact, if there's anyone you should sponsor, its Ossac, who's hard carrying this whole project.
But if you do donate to me, umm thanks I guess? Just know all the money will go towards buying this exact brand of blue pea tea.
You should use Quartz. It's definitely way more well-made, polished and has a great, supportive community. The goal of Blaze is not to surpass or even come close to the quality of Quartz, but instead to be a personal passion project made open source so others can use it. Yeah. Enjoy :)
Absolutely! If you have something cool to add to the project, just make a pull request. If it works on your machine, it should work on mine and Ossac's as well.
Blaze is actually licensed under the Unlicense1, as shown in the repository file. Although I don't suggest you should do something like redistributing the code under a proprietary or commercial license, I don't really have much a say in it. I mean, why on earth would you do such a thing for this kind of project anyways?
Anyways, go ham I guess?
Absolutely! Email me at [email protected], or dm me on Discord, my username is "definitelyeddie.".
Ideas are welcome, but please do not spam my Discord or email, and I (or Ossac) don't have to implement any ideas suggested.